Free Tax Help in Winnipeg and Beyond
Please visit our dedicated taxes website for the most up to date information about how we can help you get your taxes done for free, year-round.
Canada Learning Bond
Click the link below to learn more about how we can help you apply for the Canada Learning Bond.
Access to Benefits Resources
Benefits Wayfinder Tool – Prosper Canada
Click the image below from Prosper Canada to learn what financial support benefit programs are out there and what you might be eligible for.

Get Your Benefits! – A Printed Resource Booklet for Manitobans
A plain language booklet designed specifically for Manitobans, Get Your Benefits! lists many federal, provincial and regional benefits and programs individuals may be eligible for including prenatal benefits, disability benefits, Canada Child Benefit, Old Age Security and more. Such benefits and supports can provide more income and contribute to an individual or a family’s better health and well-being.
Click the link below to find out more!